A Lustrous Five Years.

The institution´s media helps to build a community, unite, and create a sense of belonging. Today we celebrate 20 editions and five years of our newspaper.


Organisations today, rather than being vertical structures, are a web of horizontal relationships in which conversations are an essential part of their functioning.

Dialogue and information are fundamental for there to be an accurate and constant flow of work and to carry out daily tasks with order and clarity. Communication is important in building a sense of belonging for those who share spaces and life projects. In this context, communication tools allow for an effective connection between the different members of the community.

With this edition we complete 20 issues of our institutional newspaper, a space that over the last five years has established itself as a tool to communicate with our employees, students, parents, and the community in general. For this reason, we selected some articles to share again with our readers. We would have liked to have gone through each of the texts published. However, in five years of stories there are more than 240 pages that we would need to consider.

The newspaper´s editorial committee worked hard on the selection of these texts to be published again, that despite the distance in time are still relevant for our school.

The Deutsche Schule Medellín newspaper is today a channel of communication, a way in which we inform our audience of our vision, our way of understanding the environment around us, our values, and our pedagogical principles. It is also a way in which our students and their parents can find out what happens in the institution. Through its pages we show what we do and why we do it. It is a medium that advocates for transparency, for a better understanding in the context in which we operate in and at the same time gives another meaning to the school and what is does on a daily basis.

We highlight the things that are important in the school and aim to support our families with interesting information and parenting tips. We also aim to bring Germany closer to our readers through chronicles and pictures that portray different elements of German culture.

The newspaper is also a way in which we reach out to our external audience, like children centres, universities, and government entities. In this way it contributes to our sustainability, since in its pages we show that every decision made is part of a long-term strategy and that they are not isolated elements. It is the way in which we show that we follow a plan and that nothing is done by chance.

In fact, the newspaper has been an effective channel to explain changes, transformations, and decisions that in their moment have been difficult to make.

In these pages we have collected the thoughts of teachers, students, graduates, and staff from different departments who have shared their visions and narrated their experiences.

The job does not end here, we will continue working to show the best of the institution, and for this we count on Atrapasueños Comunicación Intencionada, the company that has been with us for the past five years to interpret everything we want to present in this product and transform it into the texts and images that reach all our readers every trimester in this newspaper.

We also celebrate our return to print format; it is our pleasure to be back in your hands after nearly two years of digital editions.