Use Instagram to practice German.


One of the best ways to learn a language is to experience it in different scenarios. This time, we’ll give you five Instagram accounts that can help you practice your German.

Basic German Words

There are day-to-day German words that are difficult to write and to pronounce. You can find them sometimes in traffic signs, or in other types of signs. For that reason, they are usually perceived as images. What if we give them a change? @basicgermanwords invite us to read these words, catching up with new terms from the urban areas.

DW Deutsch Lernen

Deutsche Welle is a great ally to learn German through social media. Their Instagram account @dw_deutschlernen proposes vocabulary, grammar, expressions, and beautiful pictures of Germany.

German Word of the Day

@germanwordoftheday shows a great variety of vocabulary. They share new words everyday with an accompanying image of the object or concept they represent. They translate those words to English, but most terms are understandable thanks to imagery.

Hack your German

@hackyourgerman helps you learn German in an exciting way. They have illustrated words and expressions. In the comments, they provide context, explain the meaning in German, and translate it to English.

Days of Deutsch

@daysofdeutsch presents everyday objects with the words written on a piece of paper.  They share vocabulary and it is perfect for those who are just starting to learn German. When the words refer to abstract concepts, they translate them to English.