What does it mean to be a Citizen of the World?



What does it mean to be a Citizen of the World?

How do we learn to be one at the Deutsche Schule Medellin?

by María Vélez, Klasse 11B


To understand that knowledge is evolving and is never certain is what defines a citizen of the world. They aim to search deeper into the unknown and understand what is already known, in the hopes of creating solutions that change what concerns them locally and globally. Although the change might be big or small, they understand it is still impactful and worthy of effort, a quality that they value in others as well. Citizens of the world are in love with their own culture and see the relevance in giving their community a voice in foreign environments, understanding them as a trade.

Languages in the Deutsche Schule Medellin compel us to see the world through many people’s eyes, an opportunity not given to many others. With the exchanges during the DSM’s academic life, we find ourselves in realities that are challenging of our values, giving us a chance to shape our own world and to establish dreams driven by our genuine need to progress. The solidarity component of the school and the large variety of academic subjects, which we always see interconnecting, make us integral as both students and citizens of the world.