German, beyond its borders


A great way to befriend the German language is by learning how to greet. A simple Hallo! (Hello) or Guten Tag! (Good morning) is always well-received. And, as in other cultures, it's common for the previous expression to be accompanied by the question: Wie geht es ihnen? (How are you?). Now, if the person being greeted responds with the question, the usual response is: Es geht mir gut. (I'm doing well). From this point, the conversation can take the desired direction. It's also important to say who you are: Ich bin... (I am...) and to admit when you need help, Helfen Sie mir bitte? (Could you help me, please?). Don't forget that when asking for something politely and requesting a favor (Bitte!) It’s good to say thank you (Danke!). This way, you can receive a friendly response, such as Wie kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein? (How can I assist you?). Of course, there are a lot more important expressions to learn. To do that, you can follow us on YouTube and our social media channels. And if you ever have a question, don't hesitate to reach out to us.